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Găleată stingător din metal

Cod produs: 950 20 001

Marca: ProIzs s.r.o.


Garantie: 24 luni


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Găleată stingător din metal

Improved design, unrivaled best pump on the market, new jet model and perfect clean stream without sputtering that guarantees a perfect spray.
  • A top-of-the-range sprayer for fire sports,
  • upgraded pump, new flow line,
  • it is also intended for extinguishing with water - especially suitable for extinguishing small fires in the forest and in inaccessible terrain, on floors and the like, where it is difficult to reach with fire hoses,
  • anti-corrosion treatment of the inner part of the container,
  • the image is illustrative.
Material metal with surface treatment, brass pump, rubber seal, wooden handle
Volume 10L
Hose length 3.0 m
Streamline aluminum, CNC machined
The diameter of the streamline at the outlet 4 mm
Spare parts available Yes
Approved for progressive competitions in fire sports Yes

Produs livrabil la comandă. Toate echipamentele respectă regulamentele internaționale în domeniu.


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